Red Aventurine is a motivation stone which promotes physical actions that will make our dreams come true. By opening the flow of chi – our life energy – we are able to heal our physical body.
Red Aventurine is known to provide strength & stamina to our muscular system as well as strengthening our blood & digestion. It is associated with our Root & Sacral Chakra, opening it to rid us of any negative symptoms & restoring balance to our entire being.
Chakra: Root, Sacral
Zodiac: Aries
Element: Earth, Fire
Crystal System: Trigonal
Manifestation: “All that I need, to be the best version of myself, is within me”
Agate with it’s soothing and calming properties help us to heal feelings of anger and anxiety. It also helps us to strengthen relationships by instilling security and safety while bringing harmony into our lives. Agate crystal also enhances mental function and perception along with improving concentration and analytical abilities. It re-balances our energies and help us find a place of calm and composure.
Chakra: Third Eye,
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
Element: Earth
Crystal System: Trigonal
Manifestation: “I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right things.
Pearls possess a feminine energy & so are a wonderful balancing energy for those who may have an excess of yang or masculine energy. They are used in manifestation work, gently bringing balance & harmony into our lives. They symbolize wisdom & helps us to learn from our life experiences making us stronger & wiser and they imbue a sense of inner confidence, so we are able to handle anything that comes our way
Chakra: Third Eye
Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer
Element: Water
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Manifestation: “I am strong, I am capable, I am blessed.”
Source: Please visit Inspired Content Co for more crystal card information.
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